Fantazmegorical group companies

A name that combines Fantastic, Amazing, and Magical.
The Fantazmegorical group of companies aims to support the local Maasai community by providing job opportunities and training to obtain recognized diplomas and certificates. The long-term vision is for the company to be fully owned and managed by local community members in the next 15 years. Growth will be slow to ensure community participation.
Fantazmegorical is committed to supporting underprivileged communities and the environment through projects focused on community needs and sustainability. In Kenya alone we have sponsored schooling for over 15 students at all levels of schooling, primary, secondary, certificate, diploma and university level.
Clean drinking (RO) water is provided for free to the surrounding community,
Fantazmegorical Place
Fantazmegorical place, our residence, has been built with a team mostly existing from our Maasai neighbours with the support of one trained Kenyan engineer and some masons and welders whose job was also to train our local work force. Women constituted one third of the workforce.
We strive to be sustainable and are fully off the grid. It has a 54 kw solar system that supplies all power day and night. It provides power for our 3 electrical motorbikes. Water is provided from a borehole and is cleaned through UV filters and an RO system.
The site has a natural pond and a farm that produces vegetables all year round. The grassland and small forrested area is now teeming with birds and small wildlife. We have 2 tents for family and friends who can enjoy the night calls of jackals and hyeanas.
Please reach out to us when you have any questions or want to know how we can help you.